Strategy, framing & guidance in selecting solutions

Development & integration

User experience & design

Operational management & evolutionary maintenance

The story of Cocolabs

Cocolabs is a digital agency specializing in the development of marketplaces, platforms and their ecosystems. As pioneers in the field of marketplaces, we support our customers in their digital transformation, from the identification of their challenges to the realization of their projects. Discover our history!

2016: the beginnings of a revolution

The Cocolabs story began in 2016, in Paris. At the time, our two founders were running Sofracs, an e-commerce website design agency, and noticed a growing demand for the creation of service marketplaces. As the solutions on the market were designed solely for the then booming online sale of products (shopping cart, delivery, parcel return policy, standardized catalog, etc.), they soon realized that they were unable to meet the specific needs of service sales (geolocation requirements, making appointments, hourly or daily bookings, etc.).

Drawing on their expertise as precursors of e-commerce, which rapidly positioned them as key players in the sector, they decided to take the plunge. They then set about developing their own technology for online service providers. A few months later, Cocolabs was born, with its service marketplaces solution, Cocorico!

Requests soon poured in, and the first service marketplaces were launched: Sejourning, Sailsharing, Misterbnb, Wefarmup… a revolution is underway.

cocolabs team

2019: the turning point

In 2019, a major shift takes place: a sister entity is created, Scnd. Cocolabs is no longer dependent on its Cocorico technology, which becomes the services marketplaces publisher Scnd. This change enables Cocolabs to fully assert its position as a digital agency, and gives it the opportunity to support its customers from A to Z, not only on service marketplaces, but also on other types of technology, such as product marketplaces, and more generally, on relationship-building platforms. Cocolabs soon joined forces with other publishers to learn about new, innovative solutions capable of shaping tomorrow’s e-commerce.

As a result, Cocolabs has broadened its scope by working closely with other specialist publishers, including Origami, Spryker and Octopia, each of which brings its own specific features to the table.


Alongside service marketplaces, Cocolabs is also involved in the creation and integration of B2B, B2C and C2C product marketplaces, as well as second-hand platforms. Since then, more than 150 platforms have been launched by Cocolabs in nearly 20 countries.

Cocolabs is now positioned as a leading agency and one of the pioneers of marketplaces in France. It offers a complete range of services to support its customers at every stage of their project, whether via proprietary solutions or low-code, no-code and from-scratch developments. Its expertise extends to all business sectors, making Cocolabs a partner of choice for any company seeking to achieve its digital transformation.

Our platform types

B2B marketplaces come in several types, depending on the specific needs of each company.

The Cocolabs ecosystem

Cocolabs doesn’t go it alone, and relies on its network of trusted partners to support you from A to Z.

Marketplace solution providers

The choice of technology is crucial for your platform. Cocolabs won't limit you to a single technology, and will guide you to the one best suited to your project.

Payment services providers

If we can create platforms that don't integrate payment methods, this is a key issue for marketplaces.

Consulting firms

Legal advice, digital strategy consulting... the consulting firms, consultants and agencies in our network are at your project's service.

cocolabs team welcome

The Cocolabs team

 At Cocolabs, we are experts in the development of marketplaces and platforms. Convinced that the marketplace model is the future of e-commerce, we put all our energy into supporting our customers in their digital transformation. Find out more about our team!


A French company based in Paris, Cocolabs is an energetic and committed company on a human scale. It is one of the pioneers in the marketplaces field and supports its customers in their digital transformation, from the identification of their challenges to the realization of their projects. Our experts advise and support our customers in the production of their customized marketplaces, driven by the desire to offer them ever more effective solutions adapted to market trends.

year of creation
average age

The Cocolabs team organization

Cocolabs is structured around three departments: Production, Sales & Marketing and Administration & Support.


Production team

The production team advises and supports our customers in the realization of their platform and marketplaces projects. From the ideation stage of a project to the maintenance of the delivered platform, our production team ensures that we provide the best possible solutions for our customers at every stage of their development. The team includes back and front-end developers, product owners, consultants, a UX/UI designer, DevOps and QA.


Sales & Marketing team

The Sales & Marketing team is responsible for communicating our expertise to the widest possible audience, and convincing prospects and customers to entrust their projects to us. To do this, they need to know our service offerings and their strengths and weaknesses inside out, but above all they need to be able to understand our customers' needs and propose appropriate solutions. As front-line contacts with project owners, they benefit from a high level of visibility on the evolution of the marketplaces sector and its strategic developments.


Administration & Support team

The Administration & Support team assists our employees, customers and partners in all administrative, financial, legal and HR matters concerning Cocolabs. Supporting the operational teams, it ensures that each employee is in optimal conditions to carry out his or her day-to-day work. The team is made up of a CFO, a legal expert, a financial controller and the CEO.

Meet the Cocolabs members

Our job offers

Find out about all Cocolabs job offers on the Welcome To The Jungle platform.

Spontaneous application form

 Ready to join the Cocolabs adventure? Submit your application!

Profiles sought at Cocolabs

To support its growth dynamic, the Cocolabs team is looking to expand by recruiting ambitious talents ready to be entrusted with tasks of responsibility. The team values profiles that are caring, organized, rigorous, curious and reactive, with a strong taste for innovation. It is open to nuggets with atypical backgrounds, able to bring an innovative outlook thanks to their varied experience.

"Benevolence and competence are the watchwords at Cocolabs. You'll find them both in the day-to-day life of the team and in the profiles recruited. If you're looking for a dynamic company that gives you the chance to develop your skills, you've come to the right place with Cocolabs".

Astrid Dallemagne, Marketing & Communication Manager at Cocolabs

The Cocolabs advantages

Cocolabs is a team of over 25 enthusiastic and ambitious employees, working from our offices in Paris and throughout France, thanks to our flexible teleworking policy. Want to find out more about joining us?


Ideally located in the heart of Paris between the Opera and Boulevard Haussmann, Cocolabs' head office enjoys a strategic location.

Remote working

Cocolabs is remote working-friendly, with almost a third of our workforce telecommuting from all over France.


For a better work-life balance, Cocolabs offers you RTT (Reduced Working Time).