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B2B Marketplace: maximize your business-to-business exchanges

At Cocolabs, we believe in the power of B2B marketplaces to transform business-to-business interactions. Thanks to our specialized expertise in developing marketplace solutions, we're your ideal partner for designing and deploying a B2B platform tailored to your needs. Join GS1, Groupe Logis Hôtels, Accor, Siemens Energy or Allianz Partners and launch your B2B marketplace with Cocolabs! By 2022, Gartner estimates that 75% of B2B purchases will take place on marketplaces.

What is a B2B marketplace?

A B2B (“business to business”) marketplace is an online platform that connects companies, enabling them to buy and sell products or services with each other. It offers a centralized space where companies can find business partners, expand their network and even conclude transactions efficiently and transparently.

What types of B2B marketplace are there?

B2B marketplaces come in a variety of forms, depending on the specific needs of each company:

The rise of B2B marketplaces

Whether for products or services, the digitalization of professional purchasing has propelled B2B marketplaces to the center of business-to-business exchanges. These platforms offer a complete solution for online sales, simplifying the purchasing process with features such as B2B-specific catalog and payment management.


B2B marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular because they effectively replace traditional tools, offering an intuitive and ergonomic purchasing experience. They meet the needs of professionals looking for simplicity and convenience in their purchases, while adapting to the specificities of B2B.


These platforms are transforming purchasing practices by offering a seamless, fluid experience, with a wide choice of products and services. Their business model offers strong growth potential, sparking interest and enthusiasm among professionals for this new approach.


Marketplace B2B

Why create a B2B marketplace?

Building a B2B marketplace offers many advantages for companies. In addition to simplifying and digitizing the purchasing process, it offers access to a large network of suppliers and buyers, thus promoting commercial exchanges. Thanks to features such as secure payments, user rights management and the ability to negotiate dynamic prices, B2B marketplaces offer an optimal purchasing experience and meet the specific needs of business-to-business trade. What’s more, they reduce the costs associated with setting up a traditional e-commerce infrastructure, offering an attractive business model for companies wishing to maximize their business exchanges.

They allow companies the following benefits :


Process Optimization

Simplify your purchasing and sales processes to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.


Enhanced User Experience

Provide a smooth, intuitive purchasing experience for your business customers, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.


Network Expansion

Access a vast network of suppliers and buyers to develop your business partnerships or increase your sales.


Secure payment management

Offer secure payment solutions adapted to business-to-business trade, ensuring user confidence and secure transactions.


Offer customization

Tailor your offers to the specific needs of your business customers, reinforcing the relevance of your marketplace.

Build your B2B marketplace with Cocolabs

We put our expertise and resources at your disposal to design robust solutions for your specific B2B marketplace needs. Whether you’re a large enterprise or an SME, our team will be with you every step of the way, helping you get the most out of your B2B marketplace.


Ready to revolutionize the way you do business? Contact us today to find out how a B2B marketplace can transform your business, and give your company the competitive edge it needs to succeed in today’s digital world.

Our B2B platforms references

We’re proud to have worked with leading companies such as Groupe Logis Hôtels, GS1, Allianz Partners, Accor, Siemens Energy and Anact to create innovative, high-performance B2B marketplaces.

They trust us

We support over 150 customers in their digital transformation.

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Expert tips, trends and news… dive into the world of marketplaces and platforms with Cocolabs!