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Web agency with expertise in marketplace creation

Marketplace de services

The creation of a marketplace responds to the major and current challenges of new consumer habits. Users are looking for easy access to both products and services. So offering a platform on the Internet that meets their needs is a great opportunity. But creating a marketplace requires a lot of technical, regulatory, marketing and operational knowledge. To do so, it is advisable to call upon a web agency specialized in marketplace creation. Cocolabs tells you why.


Marketplace: definition

Before talking about the interest of using a web agency to create your marketplace, let’s recall in a few words what a marketplace is. It is an online market platform that puts two actors in contact with each other: a seller and a buyer.

Following the example of Amazon, AliExpress or AirBnb, marketplaces are adapting to new online consumption habits. Whether for products or services, professionals or individuals, remote consumption has become common and regular.

The difference between e-commerce and marketplace

E-commerce offers consumers the opportunity to purchase the products or services of a particular company. The brand then has its own website on which it sells its goods via the e-commerce system.

The marketplace is similar to a physical market in that it offers several brands and therefore several companies to the consumer. The latter then has several choices to meet his needs. He is not limited to one brand specifically. It is a good way to compare and find exactly what he wants.

The advantages of a marketplace

Being present on a marketplace as a seller has many advantages:

  • Save money: thanks to the marketplace, the seller can do without a website and therefore reduce the costs of communication, website creation, operational functioning, referencing,…
  • Be visible online: either the seller has no website and the platform allows him to be present on the Internet, or he has a website and increases his online presence. It is a communication channel that brings a new visibility.
  • Increase your turnover: the online presence is inescapable to increase your sales and therefore your turnover. It is a significant business potential for a seller.
  • Adapt to new trends: consumers are increasingly looking to compare before buying. Being present on a marketplace allows you to highlight your goods for sale but also your notoriety thanks to the reviews.
  • Target more people: the marketplace allows you to target other types of customers than those of a physical store, a website or word-of-mouth.
  • Increase your notoriety: online visibility, quality and good reviews thanks to the marketplace are the winning combo to develop your notoriety and therefore, increase your sales.

Web agency specialized in marketplace creation: a tailor-made support

web agency to create its marketplace is essential to perfect all aspects :

  • study of the project
  • design
  • technical aspects
  • payment solution
  • business model
  • marketing
  • referencing
  • etc.

The design of a marketplace

Before starting a project to create an online marketplace, it is essential to be well-advised. The web agency for marketplace delivers sound advice to :

  • analyze the ecosystem through a study of the competition
  • understanding the market and its specificities
  • establish a launch plan
  • sequencing the strategy
  • define a business plan
  • design the functional version of the marketplace

A web agency has the advantage of providing its expertise to prepare the success of a marketplace creation project. It is a whole organization that it proposes to accompany the project and ensure its success.

Moreover, a web agency marketplace is equipped with UX and UI experts to design efficient and relevant interfaces. It’s a global experience that is designed to centralize the real needs and propose an application that meets the expectations of users: sellers and buyers.

The construction of the platform

The development phase of the platform is one of the most important steps. The functionalities, the ergonomics, the navigation, the design,… A web agency specialized in marketplace creation puts all these skills at the service of a project.

From project management to quality control and development, the web agency is present at all the essential stages of the platform’s construction. At Cocolabs, we adopt the agile method allowing a flexible development of the platform and a continuous improvement once online.

The goal: to build and develop a successful marketplace that makes users want to come back and that builds loyalty.

The operational phase

Once the platform is created, everything is not finished. It is then fundamental to choose a web agency that proposes to follow the marketplace during its life. A support is not complete if it stops at the development or the launch of the software and/or the application.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the following elements:

  • Knowing how to identify new opportunities and seize them
  • Define operational strategies and implement them
  • To benefit from efficient maintenance and to make the marketplace evolve by developing possible new functionalities
  • have technical support

At Cocolabs, we offer you a total support in 6 steps:

  • advise and frame the project
  • design the platform
  • develop the platform
  • ensure the performance of the platform
  • unveil the platform
  • continue to evolve the platform

Project study, sprint planning, MPV (Minimum Viable Product) building, continuous improvement, our experts are there at every step for all types of marketplace creation projects.

The advantages of a web agency to create your marketplace

web agency specialized in marketplace confers many advantages to successfully launch and use the online marketplace.

Responding to different issues

First of all, the agency responds to various challenges:

  • to digitalize a sector of activity
  • offer to sell products and/or services online
  • create a connection between actors to develop a network or an audience
  • optimize the management of product or service purchases

Benefit from our expertise in creating a marketplace

Creating an online platform is not for everyone. The main advantage of using a specialized web agency to create your marketplace is to benefit from a total expertise on the different steps of the project.

Design, development, monitoring of the platform, a web agency centralizes all the skills for the same project in one place. There is no need to find an expert for each field, which will then have to be coordinated with each other.

Be able to create a platform according to your needs

web agency specialized in the marketplace answers all the projects :

It also accompanies all types of projects, from the simplest to the most ambitious, for all sizes of companies and for all sectors of activity. The digital world is thus open to all.

Calling on a web agency to create your marketplace is the best solution to succeed in your digital transformation. Strengthen your presence on the Internet, benefit from growth opportunities, increase your turnover, find answers to your needs, a web agency marketplace is the key to success for all users who will benefit from it.



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Expert advice, trends and news… immerse yourself in the world of marketplaces and platforms with Cocolabs!


Expert advice, trends and news… immerse yourself in the world of marketplaces and platforms with Cocolabs!