Top B2B Service Marketplaces
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Cocolabs, the online services selling expert, has compiled a list of b2b services marketplaces (and no, no Amazon Business in this top). Although the list is not exhaustive, it contains a good number of marketplaces in most industries.
Sector : Transportation, Aerospace
The Digital TrustNest Marketplace showcases the products of the Group and its partners to public and private players. It allows users to test and purchase a whole range of innovative products and services. A unique marketplace in this sector. A marketplace developed by Cocolabs.
Key numbers:
MVP launched in 3 months
40 start up displayed
Industry: Freelance
Malt is a platform dedicated to freelance missions that is rather generalist. As a business, you can filter the profiles by type of expertise, by experience, by price, by sector, by location and by rating.
Big numbers:
26 000 freelancers
+100 expertises in the digital and consulting fields
40 000 businesses used Malt
Foundation: 2013
Sector : Medecine
An innovative btob marketplace in the precision medicine sector launched by Diaceutics. A crossroads between laboratories, doctors and the pharmaceutical industry to ensure that each patient has the right treatment at the right time. A unique solution to improve the treatment of patients worldwide. A B2B marketplace developed by Cocolabs.
Key info:
26 million dollars projet
53 countries
2500 labs
Launched in 2021
1st precision medicine network
Industry : Digital
A marketplace that connects OVH’s business customers with their vendor partners. All vendors have one thing in common: they all use OVH infrastructure. The services offered concern the following areas: cybersecurity, marketing and sales, management and development.
Important info:
3 % commission fee on transactions
1.5 million audience (all OVH clients)
Sector : Freelance
The website aims to connect businesses of all sizes with experienced freelancers. Fiverr takes a 20% commission on the total value of the service delivered. Sellers offer their services under the term “gig”, and can also offer custom quotes.
Big Numbers:
Orders coming from 160 countries
400 categories of services around 8 verticales
Launched in 2010
Sector : Food
Caterspot is the digital marketplace based between Hong Kong and Singapore to find caterers and other services dedicated to businesses. They can browse a catalog of catering offers, choose the one that best fits, get the invoice online, and then be connected with the selected caterer.
Sector : Legal, Freelance
UpCounsel’s solution: allow companies to build a personalized legal team. From a one-hour service to the need for an entire legal department or part-time staff, you will find the answers to your legal needs on UpCounsel. The ultra-specialized marketplace is revolutionizing the legal industry with a complete digital experience: online booking and signing.
Key datas:
Foundation: 2012
+1,000 businesses
Sector : Health
A B2B marketplace launched by ANACT and supported by the Ministry of Labor dedicated to the dissemination of QWL (Quality of Life at Work) approaches and which allows companies to access qualified consultants to support them. Reflex QWL also provides access to documentation to help companies implement these approaches. More than 600 qualified consultants are available to companies. ReflexQVT was developed by Cocolabs.
Sector : Real Estate
The Gorilla Space marketplace operates in Asia to find coworking spaces. To guide the options, the search is done by decision tree via 5 questions. The site boasts to simplify the whole process of finding workspaces.
Industry : Farming
WeFarmUp connects agricultural workers in France to rent specialized equipment. This allows on the one hand farmers to make costly equipment profitable and on the other hand, to allow farmers to access equipment at lower cost. The WeFarmUp allows to order turnkey services from other farmers but also to match investment projects between professionals. More than just connecting people, this specialized marketplace is a federator of the agricultural world. WeFarmUp was developed by Cocolabs.
WeFarmUp’s numbers:
8000 equipment to rent
500 available professionals
40 investment projects
Launched in 2015
Sector : Freelances
Graphite is a platform for freelancers based on the premise that the best talent is not salaried but freelance. All consultants on the platform have experience in top consulting firms, with an average of 12 years of experience. Industries served: telecommunications, aerospace, energy, automotive, agriculture, financial services, real estate, manufacturing, pharmaceutical,…
Key Numbers:
+6000 professionals
1600 MBA from a TOP 10 college in the US
Experts of Bain, BGG and McKinsey
Expertise field : Medicine
Labtoo is a marketplace dedicated to the outsourcing of R&D projects in Pharma and Biotech. The marketplace allows to find solutions for biological material research such as human samples, or advice to guide in regulatory procedures. Labtoo is one of the 100 platforms launched by Cocolabs.
CCI Store
Sector: E-services
The CCI Store is the first generalist e-services platform designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. It allows you to find service providers and solutions to cover all the stages of a company’s life, such as development, financing, management, etc. This website was launched by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Sector : Automotive
The platform that allows professionals to find vehicles for rent. allows you to find rentals with or without drivers. Rental marketplaces are on the rise.
Spacefy is a market-place for the creative industry to find places for shooting, filming or events. It allows creative professionals to find unique locations to rent for short periods. Spacefy is one of the 100 platforms launched by Cocolabs.
Spacefy’s numbers:
9 cities
10 000 listings
The marketplace model is becoming more and more attractive and the list of B2B marketplaces is growing every day, what are you waiting for to launch yours?
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